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Employee Training for Drug Awareness

Employee training for drug Awareness is an important component of an effective substance abuse prevention program. It can raise awareness about how drugs affect individuals differently, encourage employees to seek help for themselves or a family member, and empower them to make healthy lifestyle choices.

The impact of drug and alcohol abuse on the workplace can be devastating. It can lead to increased health care costs, reduced productivity, loss of safety and security, decreased trust and confidence, and a negative reputation in the community.

Drug and alcohol addictions are more prevalent among the workforce than most people realize, making them a serious issue in many industries. This is especially true for transportation employers. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) provides guidance to employers to ensure that transportation workers are not abusing alcohol and other drugs.

In order to protect employees and the business itself, it is important to have a strong substance abuse prevention program. This is especially true when drug and alcohol testing is a part of the program.

The most effective way to educate employees about substance abuse is to have a drug and alcohol awareness program in your workplace. This can be done with a PowerPoint presentation, a video or web course, or through an onsite training session.

When employee training are aware of their rights and the importance of staying sober in the workplace, they will be more likely to support their coworkers who are battling drug or alcohol addictions. They also are more likely to report drug and alcohol-related incidents that affect others.

Employees who have taken an education course about substance abuse and are aware of the consequences for drug and alcohol use can more easily identify and report possible issues that may require disciplinary action or medical assistance. This will not only reduce the risk of accidents, but it will also improve a company’s bottom line.

Whether you need an onsite or online course, J&J Keller has a substance abuse training program that can fit your organization’s needs. You can choose from two different programs—one for supervisors and one for employees—and learn how to create and implement an effective drug and alcohol policy.

A good training provider can provide an in-depth course that meets all federal and state guidelines for drug and alcohol awareness, as well as the requirements of your employee assistance program. It will cover the effects of drug and alcohol use on a workplace, how to recognize signs of an addiction, and the resources that are available to support employees who need help with their substance abuse problems.

You can also request a specific module for your drug and alcohol training course that focuses on topics related to your workforce. A specialist will work with you to customize this course to your organization’s needs.

Employees who take employee drug and alcohol awareness training have a better understanding of the risks associated with substance abuse, including workplace safety, culture, productivity, and a business’s overall operations. They are more likely to report suspected drug or alcohol abuse and to voluntarily seek help for themselves or a loved one with an addiction.